Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Lap time comparisons

You might have noticed that most of the mentioned competitors listed here are listed with lap times faster than me. This would seem to make it impossible to reach my ambitious goal for the season. However I have only listed the lap times in order to lull my competitors into the belief that they have nothing to fear! The trick is that my lap time is from the season 2004, where my car ran an engine with less than 80 horsepower. This season my engine will be much stronger (how strong is still a well kept secret, but keep an eye on this space), it will be coupled to an improved gearbox, the rear axle will be better geared - and there are even more tricks up my sleeve. In fact, I can't wait to see the effect on the lap times: I am sure that they will be very significantly improved. But don't tell anyone yet!