Sunday, May 28, 2006

Tech update: Nightshifts and panic for last preparations

Last update boldly declared the bonnet back on the car - and it was, but the lights and locks weren't, and that required some late Thursday night work to get right. As I am really not into electrics I fumbled with this for far to long, but got it working in the end - it is really easy to check the lights at 2.30 am, at it is very dark at that time. Almost as frustrating was my discovery of why the bonnet stood high at the back - it didn't clear the radiator, so that had to be lowered in its mounting. Of course, that meant the oil cooler had to move downwards as well, which in turn meant that the oil cooler lines had to be altered - boy did I need a good nights sleep afterwards. I had to get up early on Friday though, as the car was entered for final tuneup on the rolling road at Kurt Mejer, where we would finally see the results of the engine work. But no: A routine check (paranoia is my middle name) showed metallic deposits on top of the cylinder head. And I had only driven 45 kilometers with this completely rebuilt (that was Wednesday night...) rocker gear on a new shaft. Hmm - this was far too like the symptoms after last years catastrophic engine failure to be any good. There wasn't anything to be seen on the rockers or the valve stem, though, but metal particles in the oil is never any good. Although Kurt Mejer thought that the engine sounded healthy enough, we decided to drop the rolling road session, and he only did minor adjustments on the Webers - using his sensitive ears. It went much better afterwards, but back in the garage I decided to make a final adjustment on the rocker gear by spacing the pedestals up - using aluminium plate, appropiately drilled for oil delivery. That way I made sure to enter the race Saturday completely sleep deprived. And extremely nervous for the reliability of my car. I dreamt of shiny metal flakes in hot oil...